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FridgeJet's Top 3 - November #1

Woah - the guys and girls over at penned madness have managed to produce a triple threat this early in the month! 

What do I do....

... hold out in anticipation for the Crookers to magically twist out a mash up of Sawtooth Sucka and Foamo, or throw it all on the line and make the call for the three best songs of November only four days into the journey? Fine Penned Madness, i'll do six this month! So what's so great about these three I hear you ask. Well the Bloody Beetroots twist out a relaxing, down tempo and lyrical 'butter' styled track while Misio puts his twist on the decibel blaring DJ Barletta. Finally, neOn smashes 'Fukt' to a pretty impressive dimension.

Wait, where is all this goodness from? Penned Madness!

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