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Little is know about the taunter of twisted bass that is WIRA, but what we do know is that this anonymous punter is spoon feeding his dubstep/house/club hybrid to the hungry masses with great effect! After he recently leaked '13 Times', a mix of 13 upcoming tracks, many have been asking, who exactly is WIRA? Is it a bird? Is it plane? Is it Matt Damon? Is it all of the above?

Its the Fake Blood situation all over again! I have my theory that it's an already established artist, with a fresh bass ridden sound taking your mind hostage, but all we know for sure is this UK based musical recluse was kind enough to let us post his massive banger ANIMALS. So let the Animals run wild and free, and let the bass rattle the teeth out of your gums. BOOM

Also keep your ears peeled for Vloeitjes, his first release on Phuturelabs! Listen to it here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wira rules. That is all.