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Koochie, Brisbanes very own, has been jamming out sweet tunes here and there for quite awhile. You may remember when we featured clips for her 'Loose Morals' EP which came out via our friends at Ho-Ju Records, or you might not. Regardless, she's thrown a few friendly bootlegs our way free for everyone to jam out to by themselves or with friends. Their both sweet and worth the download, especially considering they come as solid proof of her production skills. The Seductive vs Major Lazor Mash is the pick for us, maybe that comes down to song preference but its definitaly catchy and everytime a glimmer of Major Lazer and their tribal goodness shines through the day gets better. Enjoy the bootlegs and if you like what you hear, check out the Loose Morals EP plus Koochies remix works for the likes of Danny T and more - all on BEATPORT!

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