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Time Turning.

Love it or hate it, change has got us where we are today. The essence of change centers around maintaining core and key elements, but modifying or adding onto them, generally in a productive or beneficial manner. Change is essential.

In late September of 2008, FridgeJet launched with the intention of exposing new and unfamiliar artists to what was an almost naive, yet very inquisitive scene - a fun side project if you must. Stemming from initial greetings and a bunch of brush offs by 'big names', natural progression kicked into overdrive and we started smiling at the haters and getting a few phone calls back. Fast forward to the modern day and our email inbox shelf's an array of audible goodness, increasing in quantity almost weekly. Simply put down to the ticking clock, a single contributor in myself, could not keep serving up what was waiting in the kitchen. Knowing that perfectly good tunes were going mouldy and growing old inside a cramped email inbox, a decision that could best be described as a 'sad smile' sort of moment was made. Being a previously unrelated matter, identity was never really a talked about topic within the Fridge, but for the benefit of the rest of this post, I'll make a belated introduction to you all. My name is Sammy.

Cool huh? Not really... but there's a reason behind all this chatter of growth and a Pelski-esque introduction of a name to match the blog. See, as of right now, I'll no longer be the only regular writer in the Fridge. Yep, while the tracks will still be running parallel and in the same direction, there's two side by side now. Who else you ask? I'll let him tell you that, here goes!

Hi, Everyone...Lee Mortimer here just informing you guys of the new changes... ahh you guys wish! My name isn’t Lee Mortimer and I don’t have a crazy beard going on. What I do have going on is that I have recently accepted the role as a full-time contributor for this ever increasingly popular blog. As my father is a prominent classical music figure and composer, my interest for music started at a very young age. I began my musical journey screeching away at the fiddle in primary school, but then soon got sick of my dad being over-critical on his instrument of excellence. A change was vital. I was enjoying music at this time and decided to choose an instrument that my father new nothing about, therefore unable to pass judgement. Through High School and 8 months at the Griffith Conservatorium of Music I was able to tour through various parts of Australia as a Principle French Horn Player with many high calibre youth orchestras. The only constructive thoughts I have retained from these educational expeditions is that French horn mouthpieces make a brilliant cone piece.

I loved producing Hornography, but Uni was a sure turn-off thus my change of direction. At the ripened age of 18 I began my clubbing life. Regretfully, my first eclectic experience was at a Rave on Brunswick St, formerly described as “The Gauntlet” (perhaps because it’s virtually impossible to walk through without being pushed or spat on). Disgusted by all the phat pant bearers and sweaty rat’s tails being flung in my face, I went on a mission to source out the electro scene. I have since found that tight and unique scene, never since looking back. It’s my soother, my love, my future.

Please feel free to contact me on Facebook or Blogger to discuss anything that you would like to see on here or alternatively you can just drop a friendly hello. Well anyway Lads and Lasses, this completes my introduction, i'll be popping back up here real soon with my debut post - hope you all enjoy it.

Your friend in the Fridge,


Anonymous said...

he sounds ok

Stace said...

Finally you tell us your name Sammy! Hope Dominic delivers.

DJ PC said...

It's more about the tracks! Bring on the good tunes 'Dominic'

wingy said...