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In celebration of Arcade Creative's official Boys Noize 'Power' album launch on March 11th @ The Met (check the event here), we have decided to throw you a few audible reasons why you should snap up some pre-sale tickets before they run out the door. Like I said in our last post, I'm now writing for The Arcade Creative so to get the full post jump on their site via the link. Until then, enjoy some Beatacue love and a few other goodies courtesy of the German juggernaut himself.


Anonymous said...

Why the fuck is tag team playing!
He can't even mix...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Obviously he can, hence why he got the set.

Anonymous said...

Actually not.

I’m sure it had to do with how well he begs and sucks the promoter off.

Not sure how he even gets gigs in the valley...

Terrible form

Sammy. said...


Cmon hater. When did you experience Tag Team's 'terrible form'?

Anonymous said...


Chatz said...

haha mr anonymous are you angry you dont get gigs in the valley?

Anonymous said...

I’m patron and have been for years.
I see so many dj’s come and go and this one is by far the worst!

You guys need to get some taste and a fucking back bone.

Or tell me one thing that is good about him?

Tag Team said...

I'm fucking awesome!

Hence gigs and chicks

Don't be jealous mate

Anonymous said...

all you pull is dick fagot!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hahaha what do you mean get a backbone.
You're the fucking spoon talking shit under an anonymous title you silly fuck.

Anonymous said...

One good thing is he plays music that he thinks is good instead of what the majority of valley go degenerates think is good.

Anonymous said...

Instead of conforming to*

rhys said...

hello "anonymous"

good to put a name to a face.... anyway...

hates not gonna get you anywhere nor change anything, it just makes you look like a jaded fool. the people that actually matter like what i do and keep booking me. simple as that. although i do enjoy the odd dick on occasion ive never been caught with a promoters dick in my mouth…yet…

just lighten up and get over it. seriously..

p.s. that post from tag team above obviously wasn't me.

Anonymous said...


Learn how mix and grow a dick

yourfucked said...

"annonymous" you are a gutless faggot and i am more than happy to take you down. so if you grow a pair leave a message with your name and ill show you exactly what a beat down is. dont come on to this blog and talk shit when you have no fucking idea what you are saying.

Anonymous said...


Pretty funny for a hobbit

Sorry but I can take people seriously who look like garden gnome's

You have no musical talent and you suck at life/hight
Give up.

Sammy. said...

'Anonymous' , you seem to have a depth of knowledge in the musical field. Email me a mixtape via the contact details on the left side of the page and ill post it up if its worthy.

Might get you a gig?

Anonymous said...

well its obvious annoymous is sneaky pete...stop being jealous man everyone will get to witness your "talent" thursday inght

Anonymous said...

way better than fucking tag team!
it will be obvious in the 'future'

Youth said...

I want a turtle but alas

Natures a bitch

Unknown said...

oi anonymous

your a pussy. you've got a loud mouth for a guy who's got a fuckin tiny dick. mate if you've got something to say then I think you should reveal yourself to everyone who you are.

but i bet you won't cuz you're one of those cunts who everyone already hates already and you know if you reveal yourself then everyones gonna beat the shit outta you. grow a sack faggot

Sammy. said...

Checking registory email on the IP address of Mr Anonymous.

Unknown said...

my name is Justin Lee.
just putting it out there... Mr Anonymous- you're a gimp. no one likes you. if tag team couldnt mix, he wouldnt get booked. so one. your taking a stab at the guys who are running the events where tag team is booked. and 2 your taking a stab at someone who's obviously been getting a lot more gigs than you have.

you're a lemon cunt.

if you've got something to say against that then show your name on the comment. or are you too scared?

Anonymous said...

mr "anonymous" please tell us who you are so the appropriate actions can take place. stop being a pussy and stop bagging tag team.. they got booked for the boys noize show, so obviously they're a few steps in front of you.

Anonymous said...

One guess for you losers


Now make me a stir fry Justin.

Anonymous said...

small penis?

Anonymous said...

sneaky pete! i knew it.
you should now change your initials to UHDC.... Unanimously Hated Dead Cunt.

Anonymous said...

Shut up

boyz noise said...

man those tag team fags sucked thursday night i hope i never have to play with them supporting or even worst in attendance.

thank god they played in the shit cunts room

housemeister said...


tag team equal german sausage!

Ajax said...

yeah i hate that midget cunt.
so sick of him sucking me off when i come up to brisbane.
happy for him to give me a rimmy but fuck, he stays around me like a bad smell. he cant even tongue my balls properly!

papas said...

that cunt cant even see over the decks.

no more bookings.