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Video Killed The Radio Star?

The use of visual form along with music is something so effective, few have mastered it. Clips in today's industry are strangled by extensive costs and time limitations and therefore few pursue the visual form to the same extent they pursued the creation of the music. To many artists, it simply isn't about the video, but for others, it's the exact opposite. To some artists, it's capturing the visual execution of a track (you know.. those sweaty crowds going 'knutz'?) that's important. In many ways, I find it helps us understand (or imagine) what we can't. Whoever has ever witnessed a Daft Punk clip will know that a tune can extend far beyond what it originally intended to be.

To those that express their musical imaginations to us to such an enjoyable extent where it doesn't have to make sense, we applaud you. To people who make videos that are just aesthetically amazing, we thank you. You make these 5 minute music tunes that are already a delight; truley worthy.



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