Chris James After Midnight

Chris James - August 2009 Mixtape (After Midnight)
1. Chris James w/ Danny T - Return To Klezmer (Version 1) (CDR)
2. Camel - Lebowski Track (Dandy Kid)
3. Daniel Steinberg - Keep On Movin (Roman Fluegel Remix) (Front Room)
4. Jeff Doubleu - Click Clack (Tom EQ Remix) (DubNoir)
5. Black Shadow - Thrill Me So High (Rene Van Munster Remix - HiJack Edit) (CDR)
6. Chris James & Adam Bozzetto - Close Your Eyes (CDR)
7. Tom EQ - Shock Out (Gung Ho)
8. Chris James - Got It Goin On (Jeff Doubleu Remix) (Dandy Kid)
9. Franky Rizardo - Flutetest (Sneakerz)
10. Poligono - Calambres (DubNoir)
11. Chris James w/ Danny T - Spartan Games (Version 1) (CDR)
12. Poligono - Caguama Noise (Wongo Remix) (CDR)
13. Jeff Doubleu - Tune In (DubNoir)
14. Tom EQ - The Beat (Jack Union)
15. Chris James - Its A Pleasure To Be Here (Dandy Kid)
16. Lars Moston & Phillipe De Boyar - So Sick (Nick Supply Bootleg) (CDR)
17. Chris James & Marc Spence - The Hook Up (Wearhouse)
18. Renaissance Man - Rhythm (Kitsune)
19. Jack Beats & MC Dynamite - What (Boy 8-Bit Remix) (Cheaper Thrills)
20. Diplo & Laidback Luke - Hey (Southern Fried)
21. Lee Mortimer & Foamo - Its Going Down (Wearhouse)
Phone Dat!

Trash Menagerie
“Phonat is creating eye-opening and inspiring music”
The Culture of Me
“We're saying it: you may be looking at the best track and best video of 2009, from none other than Phonat"
Now, ahead of his eponymous debut album due out in September on MofoHifi Records, Phonat releases ‘Set Me Free’ a staccato-synthed stomper of a track, where classic 80’s rock vocals provide the support. A standout from the forthcoming album, Phonat hasn’t skimped on remixers with the first coming courtesy of Avicii, the latest ‘made’ man in the Swedish House Mafia. Proving his pedigree Avicii chops vocals and swirls synths to create a hands in the air Balearic bomb, early copies of which are already becoming staples in the record boxes of the more discerning DJ. Trust us, this guy is killing it!
Bleeps and basslines are the order of the day on High Rankin’s re-rub as the dubstep dandy leads listeners to the dancefloor, albeit down a slightly murkier back route, before Louis La Roche’s Reconstruction adds a tougher, twisted edge to complete the package. While your going to love every last peice of Phonat and his remixing-legion's EP, our pick is the Avicii remix - what a winner!
Phonat - Set Me Free (Original Extended Mix)
Phonat - Set Me Free (Avicii Remix)
Phonat - Set Me Free (Louise La Roche Remix)
Phonat - Set Me Free (High Rankin Remix)
Deuce Disco!

Deuce Disco - Bumps In The Night Mini-Mix
1.Fang Vs. Mantis Intro
2.Matthew Dear - Doo Days (Original Mix)
3.Ruffcut - Fazz Junk (Original Mix)
4.Camel - Dada (Original Mix)
5.House of Stank - Get Up, Yeah! (Hijack Remix)
6.Wongo - Oh yeah
7.Chris James - Got It Goin' On (Jeff Doubleu Remix)
Noy's The Man!

Avicii Hey?

Time Turning.

Cool huh? Not really... but there's a reason behind all this chatter of growth and a Pelski-esque introduction of a name to match the blog. See, as of right now, I'll no longer be the only regular writer in the Fridge. Yep, while the tracks will still be running parallel and in the same direction, there's two side by side now. Who else you ask? I'll let him tell you that, here goes!

I loved producing Hornography, but Uni was a sure turn-off thus my change of direction. At the ripened age of 18 I began my clubbing life. Regretfully, my first eclectic experience was at a Rave on Brunswick St, formerly described as “The Gauntlet” (perhaps because it’s virtually impossible to walk through without being pushed or spat on). Disgusted by all the phat pant bearers and sweaty rat’s tails being flung in my face, I went on a mission to source out the electro scene. I have since found that tight and unique scene, never since looking back. It’s my soother, my love, my future.
Ho-Ju Records Gettin' Kissy!
Turbo Phenix + Wicked Fox = The Cheerz
While we're not going to say much, as we'll have plenty of talking to do later on about this release, it's the latest serving from Ho-Ju Records. Its brilliant, its boppy, its jackin, its wonky and its everything you've come to expect from the Ho-Ju team. The tunes already had play on the hugggee Kissy Sell Out Show on BBC Radio 1, so get a load of the video then praise The Cheerz.
The Cheerz on Myspace
What's Hot?
Considering we've spent a bunch of time connecting with a cool load of people who are obviously interested in blogs, we've decided to compile a little top three today to help you out in your future quests for good tunes. We'd be agreeing and smiling politely if you were to tell us its any ones best guess what 'cool' is, but let this list serve purpose as our take on the best three blogs out there at the moment. Where hoping this serving doesn't blow your mind and get you wildly addicted to the well-composed and very established sites your about to be exposed to, but if it does, be sure to pop back into the Fridge once in awhile! Our criteria was pretty damn simple. How much good music do they post? How often do they post it? And how well the artists we're acknowledged. Here's our take, we hope you like!
1. You Can Call Me Pelski
We actually do! While we've unfortunately maintained very little contact with the scenester over the past year, it's impossible to put him anywhere other than the top spot in conjuring up this list. His taste in music spans endlessly, with only one consistent rule - 'no throw away rubbish'. He doesn't care much for the fad genres either, evident in the diverse and comprehensive artist list he has built up over the past years. Every now and then a 'Pelski Highly Recommends Chart' pops up, sort of like his scripting into a continuing bible of the best dance tracks in the world. It's not the shit you see clogging up Aria charts, but the well produced, intricate work of those artists who just 'have it', irrelevant of their 'social status'. We're not going to say Pelski has the rest of the list completely covered, but when it comes to select offerings of amazing music with write ups to match, he's doin' pretty damn good (he's even got his own clothing line). He just recently handed half of his work over to a protege under the alias 'Charles Darkley' (who happened to kick things off with a sick mixtape, get it here) and has just dropped his latest Pelski Playlist! Here's our favorite tune from the bunch, but be sure to get the rest right here, this guy is dope! This sucka's a rework by a guy named DJ Punish on one of our favorite producers out at the moment - Alvaro. Make sure you thank Pelski!
Alvaro - Make It Funky (DJ Punish Remix) ppelectro.blogspot.com
2. Palms Out Sounds
These guys don't need introductions or spiels. They've been around the block for ages (2005 to be exact) and they have kicked off what was once a small project into a very profitable and successful site, branched off into Palms Out Sounds Records. Sure, they might have turned into the blogospheres version of a money making machine, but the crew have kept it real and continue to deliver quality rounds of tunes in a friendly manner that's got their readership well upwards of the roof. They seem to have quietened things up a bit in August on the blog side of things, but that can be easily attributed to the hectic workings behind a record label (which has spat names out like Norrit, AC Slater & our much loved B. Rich). Regardless, here's a little sample of what the team have provided lately, bit of different, dirty summer fun. If you like it, make sure you make visiting them a regular thing, just like us yeh?
Example - Watch The Sun Come Up (Joker & Ginz Remix) palmsoutsounds.blogspot.com

We could sit here and chat about Disturbed Beats for days. Their just straight up cool. They deliver a bunch of style out of the UK and have a very prominent following in Australia too, maybe put down to their continued work with the crazy Wongo. They deliver funky tunes and we'd best describe the overall feel as 'jackin' when it comes to snapping tracks off their page. The team behind it also have a really cool exclusive mix set series (top left of the link) going on, and smash out some awesome and informative work. We find that we just can't stop going back there, just to keep up on the scene and all that, you know? :) Check out a little taste from the team lately, drop them a line and blow them kisses for the good music!
That concludes our little 'podium ranking' of blogs at the moment. Before you shoot us a recommendation about a blog we must have surely 'missed' because it is clearly better than one or more of our choices, we had about 20 that all deserved a mention but it's just that tough! Honorable mention shoots out to the champions behind the likes of Deckhead, Penned Madness, Stoney Roads, Discobelle and more. Jump 'em now!
NOTE: All links can be found within the main post text.

Blow Up!

The Future.

You'd be looking at an oracle pretty weird if she was trying to tell you that a Jamaican, lazer-armed commando screaming shit like 'Guns Don't Kill People, Lazers Do', would be at the forefront of our scene come 2009. Turns out that's exactly what Diplo & Switch have conjured up as their latest alterego in 'Major Lazer' and let this post be a tribute to just how well its working for them. We're not going to try and give simultanious run-downs on explosive and huge names like Diplo and Switch, so we'll break things up a little then bring it all back together when the romance starts between to two.
Diplo started off life illin' in Trinidad & Tobago and since then he can claim his name to the rushes and thrills of high school teaching, desk work and of course, being one of the most respected electronic artists in the world. His sound would be the definition of diversity, or thereabouts, as he spans hip-hop, tribal house, funked up garage and dubstep - all with ease. He can claim to be a very prominant figure in setting up the huge smash hit 'Paper Plans' by the well nurtured up-n-comer, M.I.A. We could go into all the artists and record labels the Diplo name has splattered itself across, but f%c@ that - let's just say its very, very impressive! He's sitting on the back of his 'Hey!' release, done in collaboration with Laidback Luke. It's got that ML feel and the remix pack makes the EP look like the who's who of the scene at the moment, so jump out and grab it (this link here works just fine). Check this coool Crooker's mash up in the mean time, giving a whole new take on La Roux's tune, all thanks to our friends at Squeegie.

Well I guess that leaves us with Switch. It's hard to write anothing short of a biography when it comes to this man, but if we try and keep it plain and simple, he's a UK DJ who re-invented pretty much everything we know today. His collaborations sprawl out like endless webs and there wouldn't be a knowledgle music guru out there who didn't respect the lad and if there was, we wouldn't care to hear from him. We feel embarrased to suggest you still don't know the name at this point, but just incase, you may be more familiar with his work alongside Sinden of which multiple tracks hit big time status. Here's a warmer for you, it spell's diversity and compliments Switch's sound to perfection, especially with those amazing, soothing Santigold vocals - SUMMER! We won't lie, its different, but make sure you go thank the guys at !Tashed.
Santigold - You'll Find A Way (Switch and Graeme Sinden Remix)
And there you have it folks, thats the individual breakdown on both halves of the biggest collaboration in the dance world at the moment. Err, so what happens when you put them together? I'd say its the biggest, loudest, tear-down, bash bushin party you'll ever go to. You've got wild childs smashing down on bongo drums, hippy's abusing flutes and deadset ravers swooshing their pants over the barked up dance floor. It gets crazy sometimes, but hell, its all working for them.
Major Lazer - Pon Di Floor (Laidback Luke Remix)
Diplo Beatport
Switch Beatport
Major Lazer Beatport
Enjoi. Sammy.
Bow Good Sir.
The Round Table Knights are not new to the game, if you don't know who you are its your own fault. They have dipped their extremely diverse and acoustic elements into a whole load of record labels and genres, fronted up to festivals you can only dream of and partied well beyond their combined years should ever have let them. Chasing down the charismatic two would involve a trip to Switzerland, a place you can find them throwing the sorta' parties that leave no one second guessing their skills as performers. 2008 had the lads drop their first EP (Hold Me Back), but let's not talk about that because it's done a fair share of rounds and to be honest, when you line it up next to the string of releases that followed, including two mix CD's, there is plenty more to talk about! I guess that brings us to this almighty tune, which is The Round Table Knights remix of Kalise, a tribal, summer-vibed house tune that we have not stopped playing for the past month. It can be used as a perfect example to back up their claim of 'diversity', the tune acting as a perfect contrast and compliment to the rest of their comprehensive release list.
El Guincho - Kalise (The Round Table Knights Remix)
I'd say the boys would be working or playing at the moment, but they are definatly lending part of their minds to the thought of their latest EP 'Belly Dance' out on Deadfish come September 8th. It contains a number of tunes that we would stamp as Riva Starr like and furthermore, in the very same fashion as the mini-mix/mini-clip Mr Starr did for his upcoming EP (we showcased it here), the Swiss boys have done the same... almost. We've included the mini-mix and 'clip' for the upcoming release (the top of this post), but also for good measure we've included a recent mix the two did for FM 4 Radio which gives you a bunch of tunes to kick around in the sun too (we're talking the ULTIMATE chill out playlist!). We could of given you their latest Summer Mix, but this one is a blast if your down for something the exact opposite!
The Round Table Knights - FM 4 Mix
The Round Table Knights on Myspace, Facebook and Beatport
Elite Force Huh?

While we can say very little for the amount of information and level of contact we've had with the man, whenever we see 'Elite Force' in our inbox we know a pretty nice serving of dub and breaks is about to bestow itself upon us. Our best job of piecing information together would suggest that Simon Shackleton, aka Elite Force, kicked off a record label (Fused And Bruised Records) which nurtured his DJ and production career in its early stages, helping him personally to prosper onto bigger and better labels and eventually landed himself on his own platform - U&A Recordings. If that's a correct, albeit very brief, summary of his career - we've done well and so has he. Anyway, since we've filled you in on a little bit of history we'll give you some tracks, or re-fix's, so you can put a sound-to-a-face and see what your tastes think of his jacked up style. Included is 'Strongarm Sessions 2' (August) which is a compilation mix CD done by Elite Force that features a bunch of his very own and U&A Recordings releases.
Benga - 26 Basslines (Elite Force Re-Fix)
Datsik - Retreat (Elite Force Re-Fix)
Bar 9 - Shaolin Style (Elite Force Re-Fix)
Strongarm Sessions #2 (mixed by Elite Force - August 2009)
Elite Force on Myspace, Facebook and Beatport.
Smackin' Rappin'
Mr. J. Medeiros' single "Holding On" directed by Arthur King from mrjmedeiros on Vimeo.
Mr. J. Medeiros feat Tara Ellis - Holding On (Original Mix)
Mr. J. Medeiros feat Tara Ellis - Holding On (B. Rich Remix)
Mr. J Medeiros on the Web
B. Rich on Myspace and Twiiiitterrrr! (Oh, and Beatport, get tunes here!)

Next month you'll notice a new layout, some fresh artwork and a whole bunch of sneaky improvements to the site. On top of this, four monthly guest columnists will be giving their spiel on every Thursday of the month, regarding the scene and whats going on. We can't tell you who they are just yet, but let's just say you'll get plenty of enjoyment out of the international four artist lineup. We'll also be throwing in a weekly column from the team at ROMANCE who'll be going with their pictures of the week as well as an essential 'whats on' guide for the coming weekend. If your still not happy, we've completed a bunch of new deals with both national and international record labels to collaborate and showcase advanced clips - so hopefully we've got more and more to offer you in the future.
Last up, we're looking at getting a new regular contributor. This is probably the most important part of the changes and we've started scouting. We're chasing fun and knowledgeable. If you think its you then shoot us an email (fridge.jet@internode.on.net), we're beginning to check out the emails now so we'll get back to you soon! More importantly... look forward to September!
Thanks, Fridge Jet.
Arty Beetroots?

The two lads have teamed up with Italian artist Turbokrapfen to kick off the 55DSL TemporART store and judging by the pic's the place is pretty damn smooth. As you can see in the shots, there's going to be a bunch of limited edition 55DSL/The Bloody Beetroots/Turbokrapfen windcheaters which we would consider an essential for any diehard fan. Good Luck, them fu$%ers are goin' quick!
It's amazing the transformation some artists are rendered through in their up-bringing. While preparing ourselves for the screams and punches in the air, we would love to use Bloody Beetroots as a perfect example of this. Even more fitting is the fact that they just finished jamming Australian's ears with a sold out tour that tore clubs down (we're very close to saying that in a literal sense). Contrast this to a year ago when the same two masked men walked into Brisbane and played Monastery (a club 1/6 the size of Family) to a semi-packed, albeit just as passionate crowd, and the difference is laughable. While it's semi-annoying that millions of long term die hard Bloody Beetroots fans popped up out of nowhere (thanks Cornelious/WARP), it's a tribute to just how smart the two crazy lads are. Don't forget their new album 'Romborama' will be floating 'round August 21'st - GET IT!

Exclusive Mic Fresh Interview

As another little treat, we've including Mic Fresh's latest mixtape, proving his DJ counterparts don't have him covered in that area. Its titled 'The Fresh Test' and its got a bunch of fun tunes to bang out after you've checked out the interview and the feature clips. Oh and in case your having some trouble, we (Fridge Jet) are in bold italics, Mic Fresh is in simple font. Enjoy the interview!
Ok lets cut to the chase. First of all, how about we get everyone into the world of Mic Fresh. How did it all get started and where did you come from? Chat about yourself for a bit!
Ahh how it all got started, haha. Well that's a serious history lesson right there. Lets just say I’ve been in the game for more then a minute and me and Anthony (The Incredible Melting Man), well you could say we've worked on some projects together in the past. Anyway, recently he asked me to swing by his place cause he was working on a new track that he wanted me to hear. I pop by his place and take a listen to what he’s working on and I really like the track. I run home, grab my mic, jam straight back to his place and spit some bars to compliment the filthy bass he’d been cooking up. After that he just works his usual magic and voila - Jakin Da Filth was born!

Sounds like it shot up pretty quickly man. So you’ve got some upcoming releases to really kick things off, tell us a little about what’s going on regarding that side of things?
Well as you already know, ‘Jakin the Filth’ is the jump off track. It’s a huge EP and Champion Beats have really put some effort in with a serious round of remixes to go with it. The 4 track EP features remixes by Matt Cox, Royal K and the almighty Scissorkicks who came out of retirement to drop us an exclusive remix! So yeah, this EP is real nice – it’s a great one to kick things off! As for the near future I have work with Jason Score from Champion Beats coming out as well as a track with Frederik Mooij from Loudroom Recordings. I’ve also got a bunch of unofficial stuff that’s around and in the works, I’ll keep you guys posted in regards to it all.
That’s a nice set of artists to say your going to be working with, looks like there’s some big things coming. Have you drawn inspiration from any particular vocalists lately, in fact, anyone in the scene that you really look up to?
Well I'm old school kat so most of my inspiration comes from early soul, funk, hip-hop and house. As for the scene I like the fact that more artists and producers are stepping outside of the regular genres and taking chances on new styles and sounds.
Agreed! How do you feel about some of the increasingly popular genres today, are you a fan of the tribal elements coming in? Think Major Lazer. Well actually, more importantly, Dubstep – love or hate?
I have only heard a handful of new songs with tribal elements going on, so I really don''t have an opinion on it besides that it seems like a summertime thing to me. As for Dubstep I would say I have a like and dislike relationship with it. When I first started hearing the down tempo cousin of D&B I was liking the new exploration of sound and music, it was something really cool. Now that it’s gotten popular it seems to be more of a sound that has lost its musical side. If I was to explore dubstep deeper I would definitely push the musical side more.
Yeh, lets hope it doesn’t pick up that repetitive nature that some of the other passing genres have. Can we see the Mic Fresh name popping up on an array of genres in the future?
Definitely. I listen to a wide variety of music, so I am open to working in different genres. Locking myself to one particular genre would get boring fast, so I’m looking forward to getting into a bunch of sounds.
Hope all the artists out there hear that. We’d love to see you laying down vocals on a variety of different sounds. So any dream collaborations your looking at getting going in the future?
Honestly I'm working with some great people now, however if the opportunity arose I'd like to do some stuff with the likes of Foamo, Laidback Luke or Diplo. My reasoning behind that line up would be the fact that none of them are afraid to push the envelope and I think that’s very important. I’m all about that.
Ahh that would be something to look forward to! Can we catch you doing any live performances any time soon?
Soon yes. Just looking at getting some more tracks together first, then we will defiantly kick off some live shows.
We’ll definitely keep a look out, be sure to fill us in. When it comes to live shows and all that, are you the performer type? Or would you consider yourself in your own element when chilling in a studio writing tunes?
I am performer. I love doing live shows and being one with the crowd. Walking off stage knowing you gave it your all and the crowd loved it is the best feeling for me.
It’s what makes a show. Ok so lets run with a few quick questions to finish up. Start with a bang, we’d put the difficulty level on this bad boy at around 9.5, but give it a shot. Favorite artist or producer at the moment?
Wow! That is a tough one because I like a lot of different artists and musicians. For now I would have to go with the producers I already mentioned (Laidback Luke, Diplo, Foamo) plus the Incredible Melting Man, the man behind ‘Jaking the Filth’.
Most likely place you’ll be if we can’t find you on a Saturday night?
Home. Chilling.
Best place to go for fans to have a chat with you on the good old world wide web?
They can check me out on my Facebook fan page - Mic Fresh (this link here).
Thanks for the time mate, awesome tunes and be sure to keep in touch in the future.
Thanks for having me!
BONUS: Mic Fresh's latest mixtape as promised. Its got tunes by the likes of Foamo, Laidback Luke, Kidda, Micheal Jackson, The Incredible Melting Man and MSTRKRFT. Get funky! If you want the full tracklist we will post it in the comments, or it is available of Mic Fresh's Facebook page.
Mic Fresh - The Fresh Test Mixtape (July 2009)
Remember check these links!
Mic Fresh, Champion Beats Records, The Incredible Melting Man, Matt Cox, Royal K and Beatport!
Star Power!
Riva Starr on Myspace, Facebook, Beatport, Twitter, YouTube

Filgo Faggins!

...and they have a fresh mixtape sitting at the bottom of this post, right after you read their quirky as f*#$ biography and learn a little more about the Monastery shredders! Enjoi.
When Mr. Filgo Faggins of Bag End announced that he would shortly be celebrating his elventy-first birthday with a party of special magnificence, there was much talk and excitement in Hobbiton. The excitement came not from this unprecedented age of maturity, but from the announcement of two little Fingas that would be serve to be the light of his party, sending all guests into an uncontrollable fit of rhythm and frenzy.
The story starts for these two unlikely appendages in far reaches of Middle Earth where the air is thick with the fowl stench of Orc. It was in these lands, The Valley of Mordor to be precise, that an all powerful Lord created not one but two rings which was said to have control over every persons dancing shoes. Unbeknownst to these little Fingas, these rings lied in the most unlikely of all places; Burke’s backyard. While playing a round of mini golf on the back nine of Burke’s backyard, Finga 1 and Finga 2 both reached for the hole to receive their balls when a nearby blimp caught fire and came crashing down on Burke’s house. Shocked and dazed by what had just happened, the two little Fingas skipped to offer a Scotch finger and some milk to any survivors. Sadly; Burke was the only person still alive. However, Burke lay there weak clasping two shiny little rings. “Take my precious, get ya Jigg on and go destroy dance floors til somebody lets the cat out of the bag...”. Little to their knowledge, that day would change the course of history for Middle Earth forever, creating an indestructible force of nature that not even the Volcanoes of Mordor can destroy: FINGAJIGG.
Fingajigg - Fingabangin' Bangers (July 2009)
Fingajigg on Facebook